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Lower Columbia Disc Golf Scores

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Course Description:
On the Clatsup county fairgrounds, small course is well laid out. Small but concrete brick tees, good quality pins. Some very rough areas and swamps makes losing discs easy. Two pin and two tee positions available.

Course Location:State: OR
N 46.15224 W 123.78960

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Best Overall 10 Round Averages

PlayerDateTotalScoreAverage4 Round Avg10 Round AvgCommentsHole 1: 231 ftHole 2: 261 ft.Hole 3: 273 ft.Hole 4: 303 ft.Hole 5: 225 ft.Hole 6: 195 ft.Hole 7: 180 ft.Hole 8: 309 ft.Hole 9: 311 ft.
seeder10/18/201030338.33338.33338.333Sample Data...264222534
seeder10/18/2010441742.542.542.5Sample Data...264222534
seeder10/18/20104114414141Sample Data...444645644
Nodosaurus10/16/201024-3272727doubles tou...233342223
Nodosaurus10/16/2010303303030did not pla...344343333